More than 750 companies
in 104 countries
trust NatureMetrics

slow loris climbing a branch inside a blue hexagon
"Our innovative partnership with NatureMetrics is more than just a strategic alliance. It's a commitment to harnessing advanced eDNA technologies and global collaboration to drive our sustainability and conservation efforts. It's about utilising our resources wisely and optimising processes to make the best possible decission for our planet's future"
Linden Coppell of MSC cruises profile image in black and white

Linden Coppell

VP of Sustainability and ESG, MSC Cruises

We exceeded our goals, detecting hundreds of additional vertebrate species. Without eDNA and NatureMetrics, we would have been relegated to visual surveys, requiring more field time, and to opportunistic interviews for the other five target species, which are less reliable, auditable, and systematic. The hundreds of other species detections would not have been possible at all.


eDNA has got huge applicability. If we think about early on in the discovery and exploration phase,where our knowledge is limited about the potential biodiversity risk in the area that we might be looking to explore, it’s a critical component to that.

Anglo American

Traditional ecology often capture insufficient data. In contrast, eDNA has facilitated a much better understanding, especially in the case of large deep rivers, allowing for a more comprehensive grasp of the impacts on ecological communities. As a result, appropriate mitigation measures can be implemented


eDNA provides wider ecological datasets that provide us with a tool not only to mitigate any potential impacts from developments but also to evidence the positive ecological impacts that can arise from offshore wind farms in a way we have not been able to do before due to traditional survey method constraints.

Natural Power

EDF Renewables are proud to be a part of this pioneering environmental DNA (eDNA) study with our partners Natural Power and NatureMetrics

EDF Renewables

Sample across multiple scenarios with advanced customization

Deploy in marine and freshwater water environments across multiple depths, timelines, and sampling groups.

Collect large volumes of biodiversity data with reduced vessel and labour costs

Collect comprehensive species and ecosystem data over vast spatial and temporal ranges with less effort and lower costs.

Benefit from excellent reliability and enhanced field testing

Extensively field-tested and validated with industry partners to ensure sampling performance and contamination risk is on par with manual eDNA sampling.

Develop more comprehensive biodiversity inventories

Effectively monitor hard-to-detect species across large timespans, including nocturnal and migratory species, to gain create comprehensive pictures of aquatic ecosystems.

Easily generate ecosystem insights with automated workflows

Combine autonomous sampling, with world-class eDNA analysis and automated analytics pipelines to rapidly generate holistic insights of aquatic ecosystems without requiring large field teams and data scientists.

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750 companies
in 104 countries

Choose NatureMetrics for biodiversity monitoring

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