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slow loris climbing a branch inside a blue hexagon
Traditional ecology often capture insufficient data. In contrast, eDNA has facilitated a much better understanding, especially in the case of large deep rivers, allowing for a more comprehensive grasp of the impacts on ecological communities. As a result, appropriate mitigation measures can be implemented


eDNA has got huge applicability. If we think about early on in the discovery and exploration phase,where our knowledge is limited about the potential biodiversity risk in the area that we might be looking to explore, it’s a critical component to that.

Anglo American

"Our innovative partnership with NatureMetrics is more than just a strategic alliance. It's a commitment to harnessing advanced eDNA technologies and global collaboration to drive our sustainability and conservation efforts. It's about utilising our resources wisely and optimising processes to make the best possible decission for our planet's future"
Linden Coppell of MSC cruises profile image in black and white

Linden Coppell

VP of Sustainability and ESG, MSC Cruises

We exceeded our goals, detecting hundreds of additional vertebrate species. Without eDNA and NatureMetrics, we would have been relegated to visual surveys, requiring more field time, and to opportunistic interviews for the other five target species, which are less reliable, auditable, and systematic. The hundreds of other species detections would not have been possible at all.


EDF Renewables are proud to be a part of this pioneering environmental DNA (eDNA) study with our partners Natural Power and NatureMetrics

EDF Renewables

eDNA provides wider ecological datasets that provide us with a tool not only to mitigate any potential impacts from developments but also to evidence the positive ecological impacts that can arise from offshore wind farms in a way we have not been able to do before due to traditional survey method constraints.

Natural Power

Why Nature Insights


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Support decision making with repeatable, easy-to-understand metrics and indicators.


Prepare for TNFD et al

Our indicators were designed to support quantitative target development.


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coral reef under the sea with fish

Evolutionary Diversity

Higher scores typically represent improved ecosystem integrity and function.

The variety of species types that occur in a community.

  • Track whether your nature positive actions are supporting a greater variety of species
  • Track broad pressures; reducing impacts could encourage a greater variety of species to return
  • Track resilience; ecosystems with a greater variety of species are more likely to be resilient to change
Why is this metric valuable?

Increasing Evolutionary Diversity can indicate a reduction in pressures at your site and increasing resilience of the community.

Pumpkinseed fish under water

Invasive Species

The total number of invasive species detected in each sample or site.

The total number of species detected.

  • Understand whether species considered to be invasive are present at your site
  • Track and report on the success of management interventions and targets
Why is this metric valuable?

An increase in the number of invasive species is generally associated with a negative trend in biodiversity

Phyllobius argentatus crawling on a leaf

Species Richness

An easy way to track biodiversity. More effective in conjunction with other insights.

The total number of species detected.

  • Track whether your nature positive actions are supporting more species
  • Understand whether you are increasing habitats or resources to support more species
  • Track whether your site is becoming better connected with other sites
Why is this metric valuable?

Increasing Species Richness can indicate more resources & habitats are available at your site, or your site has become better connected.

iucn logo

IUCN Threatened Species

Remove the need to manually trawl through IUCN statuses.

The number of species on the IUCN Red List classified as Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically Endangered.

  • Track whether nature positive actions are supporting a higher number of threatened species
  • Identify species in need of targeted recovery efforts
  • Focus efforts on key habitats that need to be protected
Why is this metric valuable?

An increase in the number of threatened species is generally associated with a positive trend in biodiversity or habitat condition

Marine fish community health package

lake and mountains with edna icons above

Food chain integrity

Uses the presence of higher trophic species to infer food chain completeness

*part of Marine Fish Community Health

How intact the food-chain is.

  • Reveal whether protected areas are providing a safe space for complete food-chains to thrive
  • Track the return of predators following the reduction of pressures and impacts
  • Combine with all fish indices for full assessments
Why is this metric valuable?

Increasing Fish Food-Chain Integrity indicates the return of large predators and an improving ecosystem.

school of yellow fish swimming under water

Commercial value

Understand the economic value of fish species detected in your samples

*part of Marine Fish Community Health

How economically valuable your fish community is.

  • Reveal high priority areas for conservation efforts to protect species of high commercial value
  • Encourage growth of green economies by focussing monitoring on commercially valuable species
  • Combine with all fish indices for full assessments
Why is this metric valuable?

An increase in the commercial value indicates your fish community consists of more commercially important species.

Groupers fish

Prevalence of sensitive species

A higher score indicates better community health, using sensitive species as a proxy

*part of Marine Fish Community Health

The proportion of fish species considered vulnerable to human disturbance.

  • Track the return of vulnerable species after pressures have been reduced
  • Reveal high priority areas for conservation efforts to protect species that are highly vulnerable
  • Combine with all fish indices for full assessments
Why is this metric valuable?

An increase in the Prevalence of Sensitive Species implies that a fish community has more vulnerable species & suggests human pressures have been reduced.



Marine sediment pollution index

Assigns a pollution category to sampled locations using invertebrates as a proxy.

The pollution level in marine ecosystems using invertebrate indicators.

  • Use invertebrate communities to monitor water pollution levels
  • Track the recovery of invertebrate communities following a large disturbance event
Why is this metric valuable?

A decrease in the Marine Sediment Pollution Index suggests there is less pollution as pollution-sensitive species are present.

fungus growing in forest

Soil Fungal: Bacterial ratio

Indicates progress towards healthier soils & good-quality stored carbon.

The ratio of fungi to bacteria DNA in soil, providing an indication of soil health.

  • Demonstrate reductions in intensive human impacts
  • Track progress to more mature vegetation states away from degraded landscapes
  • Understand if the levels of stable carbon in the soil are improving
Why is this metric valuable?

An increase in Soil Fungal:Bacterial Ratio indicates progress towards healthier soils & good-quality stored carbon.

bacteria Tannerella Forsythia close up

Bacterial Functional Diversity

An effective metric for tracking soil health through the breadth of bacterial functions

The quantity of ecosystem functions bacteria communities can perform.

  • Track how land-use changes are influencing the variety of ecosystem functions delivered by bacteria
  • Monitor resilience. An ecosystem with a greater variety of ecosystem functions are more likely to be resilient to change
Why is this metric valuable?

Increasing Bacterial Functional Diversity implies the bacteria community can perform more ecological functions & respond to environmental changes.

lots of fungi growing

Fungal Functional Diversity

An effective metric for tracking soil health through the breadth of fungal functions
  • Track whether nature positive actions are supporting a wider variety of fungal groups
  • Monitor resilience. A greater variety of ecosystem functions are more likely to be resilient to change
Why is this metric valuable?

An increase in Fungal Functional Diversity implies more pathways for nutrient cycling to occur which can increase soil fertility.

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