Track restoration success

A high-integrity, robust metric for tracking soil restoration success over time. Future-proofed and aligned with concepts used by the UN, GRI, and Capitals Coalition.

Compare sites and projects across diverse habitats

Restoration Tracker works in over 70% of terrestrial habitats, enabling easy comparison and aggregation of multi-species tests at site, project, and portfolio level.

Prepare for standards and frameworks like CSRD & TNFD

Our approach aligns with incoming standards and frameworks such as the TNFD and CSRD, generating data you need to stay compliant.

Future-proof against changing methodologies

Innovative methodological design means future advances in biodiversity monitoring techniques and technologies can be incorporated without compromising historic data.

Identify effective management actions

Consistent scores across time series, projects and portfolios enable better decision-making. Pinpoint success factors, target interventions, and gain a deeper understanding of ecosystems.

Effectively communicate positive impact

Deploy simple, repeatable metrics and impactful visualisations to improve stakeholder communications and quantify progress.

How it works

Collect eDNA soil samples

Use NatureMetrics eDNA soil kits to sample the areas being restored. You will also need to take a sample from a reference site.

We can support you on developing appropriate sampling strategies.

Analysis and modelling

We amplify and analyze your soil samples to characterize the diversity of Soil bacteria, Soil fungi and Soil invertebrates using cutting-edge eDNA technology.

Restoration Tracker Score

The results of eDNA analysis are modelled against the reference site to generate Restoration and Soil Quality Hectare scores for each site.

Site scores can be aggregated to provide project or portfolio scores.

Monitor changes over time

Site and project scores provide simple, repeatable numeric values that can be tracked over time.

When soil composition is more similar to the reference site, it is a robust indication that management actions are moving in the desired direction.

Prioritise action and optimise management

Easily compare sites and projects across your portfolio, enabling you to robustly prioritise activities and resources.

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in 104 countries

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