Nature Intelligence for Extractives

Nature targets and how you need to be aligning with them as a business
Nature intelligence – a scalable approach to understanding and reporting on nature, from data through to insights
From pit to port – supporting the mitigation hierarchy across supply and logistics chains with real-world project examples

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Nature Intelligence for Extractives

The world is experiencing the fastest energy transition in history as we collectively race to curb climate change and achieve net-zero. The mining and heavy industrials sectors have a vital role in this journey.

Companies will need to show that they have biodiversity baselines in place to demonstrate progress while using the mitigation hierarchy to avoid, minimise, restore and offset their impact.

Our Services

An end-to-end solution for nature monitoring and impact reporting

Nature Advisory

Assess, plan and optimize your nature strategy, aligned to the latest  frameworks and Science-based targets.

green space in london city with large tree in a park with skyline in background

Biodiversity Monitoring

The gold standard for biodiversity monitoring. eDNA provides unprecedented levels of site-level detail, never before achievable through conventional methods.

offshore windfarm with ships and bridge in background calm sea


Access a suite of biodiversity metrics and indicators, enabling better decision making and high impact reporting.

naturemetrics nature performance dashboard

eDNA Autosampler

Autonomously collect biodiversity data with the DOT-NM Autosampler

News and articles

Discover the latest news and insights on how nature intelligence is transforming our understanding of nature.

Simplify your nature impact reporting