Published on
November 29, 2023

COP28: NatureMetrics unveils informative guide on eDNA-powered nature intelligence in coastal ecosystems as global leaders join for COP28

NatureMetrics releases a guide on eDNA-powered nature intelligence in coastal ecosystems at COP28. The guide highlights the role of coastal ecosystems in climate change mitigation and conservation, and the potential of eDNA technology to monitor biodiversity.

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COP28: NatureMetrics unveils informative guide on eDNA-powered nature intelligence in coastal ecosystems as global leaders join for COP28

Global leaders are converging at COP28

As global leaders, NGOs, and corporates converge at COP28 to deliberate on strategies combating climate change, NatureMetrics has launched a pivotal guide titled "eDNA-powered Nature Intelligence in Coastal Ecosystems." This comprehensive resource aims to equip stakeholders with a deeper understanding of the pivotal role coastal ecosystems play in achieving climate goals and highlights environmental DNA (eDNA) as a scalable solution for effective measurement.

Coastal ecosystems serve as the critical nexus where land and sea intersect, fostering an array of habitats from coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds to kelp forests, salt marshes, and oyster reefs. These ecosystems provide indispensable ecosystem services, yet they face a myriad of threats including climate change, unchecked development, pollution, and overfishing. Shockingly, 2% of seagrass and 7% of mangroves are lost annually on a global scale, with over a third disappearing in the last 50 years. Such losses not only endanger biodiversity but also jeopardize our planet's natural defenses.

Dr. Kat Bruce, Founder of NatureMetrics, outlines the urgency of safeguarding coastal ecosystems, stating, "Coastal ecosystems are a key frontline in the fight against climate change. These habitats are where we find the closest links between nature, climate, and livelihoods – where nature feeds people, underpins economies, and provides natural defenses for billions of dollars’ worth of coastal infrastructure."

Harnessing the power of eDNA for Coastal ecosystems

As leaders gather for COP28, the guide emphasizes the pivotal role natural ecosystems can play in achieving the Paris Agreement's goals, with the potential to provide 30% of the necessary carbon drawdown. Investing in the health of coastal habitats not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also bolsters economies and shields against the impacts of climate change.

The guide delves into the revolutionary benefits of eDNA technology, showcasing real-world case studies illustrating how eDNA generates actionable insights for the restoration, expansion of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and sustainable Blue Economy initiatives in crucial habitats such as mangroves, seagrasses, reefs, and kelp forests. Key topics covered include the significance of biodiversity monitoring for coastal conservation, how eDNA establishes comprehensive baselines for informed planning, and frameworks for tracking restoration outcomes over time.

Dr. Bruce emphasizes the role of eDNA as a scalable solution: "Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a scalable solution that will unlock the fundamental insights we need to safeguard the future of these critical ecosystems."

The NatureMetrics team, instrumental in the development of the guide, will be present at COP28 in Dubai, ready to engage in discussions about biodiversity monitoring needs.

The new guide - eDNA-powered Nature Intelligence in Coastal Ecosystems – can be accessed here.

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