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August 13, 2024

NatureMetrics collaborates with Accounting for Nature to improve accuracy of corporate nature reporting

Leading global nature intelligence company, NatureMetrics, has aligned with global nature certification standard organisation, Accounting for Nature, to bring scientific robustness and reliability to state of nature measurement and corporate reporting activities.

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NatureMetrics collaborates with Accounting for Nature to improve accuracy of corporate nature reporting

Leading global nature intelligence company, NatureMetrics, and Accounting for Nature, the not-for-profit organisation behind the world-leading global environmental accounting standard, have entered a strategic agreement to enhance corporate nature measurement and reporting with standardisation and scientific rigour.  

Collaboration Objectives and Methodology

Ahead of this year’s COP16, governments, NGOs, and corporations are gearing up to achieve nature-related goals, making robust measurement and assessment of nature crucial. Key to this is the standardisation of metrics and methodologies grounded in science. This strategic collaboration aims to leverage NatureMetrics’ work developing a comprehensive nature monitoring and impact reporting solution, and Accounting for Nature’s experience delivering a scientifically-robust certification framework, to enhance collaboration and develop innovative nature solutions to support better decision-making. The collaboration seeks to support the scalability of international investments in nature recovery and conservation while ensuring accountability and fairness in nature markets through independent certification of nature-related metrics.

As NatureMetrics is a market leader in biodiversity measurement, reporting and verification, their own methods and metrics will be assessed against Accounting for Nature’s Method accreditation criteria, including review by its Independent Science Committee, reflecting the company’s commitment to rigorous methodologies for monitoring nature. These methodologies not only provide a higher degree of accuracy than competitors but also guarantee that customers receive the most robust assessments possible of natural capital. As a result, customers gain a clear picture of the state of natural environments and can make nature-positive decisions.

Executive Statements

Pippa Howard, Chief Nature Strategist at NatureMetrics comments: “Protecting nature and reversing the impacts of human activity are challenging tasks if we don't have a clear and accurate understanding of the current state of our environments. This opportunity enhances our collective ability to provide robust and scientifically accurate solutions, enabling nature positive action and better decision-making.”

Adrian Ward, CEO at Accounting for Nature comments: “Collaboration is vital to making significant changes to nature. By working with NatureMetrics, we are combining our strengths and expertise to create more accurate and reliable measure of the state of nature. This will allow us to continue to evolve the accuracy and transparency of environmental accounting standard setting across the industry and ensure that companies have access to the most reliable information available.”

About the Companies

About NatureMetrics:

NatureMetrics is a leading global nature intelligence company specialising in nature impact management. With deep expertise across multiple sectors, NatureMetrics helps businesses understand and mitigate their impact on nature. By providing innovative tools, insights, and strategies, NatureMetrics enables companies to develop sustainable practices and meet emerging nature and biodiversity regulations.

About Accounting for Nature:

Accounting for Nature is an independent expert-driven, not-for-profit standard-setting body that has set the first globally consistent standard for measuring, certifying and communicating changes in the state of nature for environmental assets across vegetation, soils and sediments, fauna, water, microorganism and ecosystems.  

Accounting for Nature® is used to inform investment, policy and management decisions in natural capital. These include carbon co-benefits, green bonds, environmental offsets and impact investments.  

Central to the Accounting for Nature Framework is the Econd®, a simple easy-to-understand metric that summaries complex scientific information (i.e. multiple indicators) into a single number between 0-100 to describe the environmental condition of an environmental asset or ecosystem. An Econd® of 100 indicates that the asset is in its best possible, or undegraded, state, while a score of 0 would mean that the asset is fully degraded. An Econd® is measured in accordance with an Accredited Method to ensure that it accurately represents the true condition of nature.  

More information can be found here:  

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