Published on
May 30, 2023

NatureMetrics, MSC Cruises and MSC Foundation Join Forces to Advance Understanding of the Most Endangered Marine Species

MSC Cruises and MSC Foundation announce innovative partnership with NatureMetrics to collect comprehensive biodiversity data for marine species using eDNA.

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NatureMetrics, MSC Cruises and MSC Foundation Join Forces to Advance Understanding of the Most Endangered Marine Species

The Project Goal

The primary goal of this visionary project, named “eBioAtlas: Biodiversity Sampling from Cruise Liners using eDNA”, is to collect comprehensive biodiversity data for marine species using the innovative technique of DNA sampling. By collecting eDNA from seawater whilst on-board, and sending it to NatureMetrics for analysis, the team will discover and record the marine wildlife present across their MSC cruise routes. The project has global reach with the data contributing to the eBioAtlas, a global programme by NatureMetrics and IUCN. The eBioAtlas unlocks the vast reach of the global community, now including MSC Cruises and MSC Foundation, to come together and provide a new, harmonized biodiversity data layer that will drive informed decision-making for the benefit of both people and nature.

A nature-positive future

Recognising the urgent need for improved data to mitigate biodiversity loss and accelerate progress towards a nature-positive future, eBioAtlas will help move the needle for global priorities such as climate mitigation, adaptation and food security. Through close collaboration with local stakeholders, marine non-governmental organisations (NGOs), national governments and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, this initiative will enable up-to-date marine species assessments and reassessments in the North Atlantic.

Dr Kat Bruce, Founder at NatureMetrics, shares “Collaboration is crucial in our quest to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by the end of the decade. MSC’s pioneering work to collect and share biodiversity data with our eBioAtlas programme will unlock nature insights that allow us to make informed decisions on marine conservation globally. The time for decisive action is now, and with organisations like MSC leading the way in the travel industry, we can create a world where businesses and nature can make meaningful progress in harmony.”

The eBioAtlas programme will acquire biodiversity data from three different MSC Cruises itineraries, providing accurate information for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This valuable data will be made accessible to third parties free of charge through the eBioAtlas partnership between NatureMetrics and IUCN, fostering conservation and restoration efforts throughout the Northern Atlantic.

Daniela Picco, Executive Director of the MSC Foundation, concluded: “The MSC Foundation is committed to advancing ocean conservation through science. It was therefore only natural for us to join forces with NatureMetrics to support vital biodiversity mapping, assisting the International Union for Conservation of Nature to perform the assessments that are critical indicators of global biodiversity health”.

Seawater samples will be collected from the vessels’ seawater intakes using specially designed eDNA collection kits. These samples will then be sealed and sent to NatureMetrics for DNA analysis. The results, along with location details, will be shared with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to enhance their understanding of global ocean biodiversity.

The maiden ship to participate in the sampling initiative will be MSC Euribia, which will commence data collection in the Nordic region (Norway and North Sea,) followed by MSC Poesia (Iceland, Greenland) and MSC Preziosa (Iceland, Norway and Svalbard)

Coppell Linden, VP of Sustainability and ESG at MSC Cruises, said: “Our innovative partnership with NatureMetrics is more than just a strategic alliance. It’s a commitment to harnessing advanced eDNA technologies and global collaboration to drive our sustainability and conservation efforts. It’s about utilising our resources wisely and optimising processes to make the best possible decisions for our planet’s future. We are proud to be supporting this vital work by taking samples on 4 ships over 11 cruises, for a total of 114 sampling days this year.”

Marina Anselme, Secretary General at the MSC Foundation, explained: “The MSC Foundation is delighted to facilitate and fund this groundbreaking partnership with NatureMetrics and MSC Cruises. This partnership is a testament to our commitment to protect our oceans and create a nature-positive future for generations to come.”

The partnership between NatureMetrics, MSC Cruises and the MSC Foundation highlights these organisations’ commitment to promoting marine conservation, supporting the Global Biodiversity Framework and building a sustainable future. Together, they strive to establish a solid foundation for informed decision-making and to inspire individuals to appreciate and protect the precious species that inhabit our shared spaces.

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