Crossing the Chasm to CSRD/TNFD readiness

July 23, 2024
1500 BST, 10:00 EDT
Exclusive reveal of our research into industry’s readiness for future nature-related obligations, such as the TNFD and CSRD
Expert advice on tools and strategies for increasing your readiness for future regulations, including real-world case studies
Find out how eDNA and other nature tech can help drive management decisions and future-proof your organisation
Uncover how you can get started now so you don't get left behind by your industry peers

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Pippa Howard
NatureMetrics, Chief Nature Strategist
Amy Sellers
NatureMetrics, Principal Consultant - Nature Strategy
Sander Keulen
NatureMetrics, Global Head of Business Development
Tom Ludwig
NatureMetrics, Head of Onshore Industries

Strategies and technologies for meeting your nature-related obligations

Worryingly, just 16% of companies have a roadmap to deliver nature-related commitments such as the TNFD and CSRD, according to the latest findings from our Nature Maturity Assessment.

Join us for the exclusive release of the initial findings from our research to discover how your business compares to industries such as mining, energy, and finance. We'll cover categories including readiness for incoming regulation, corporate structures and culture, and biodiversity data and nature strategies.

We’ll then explore real-world strategies and tools for increasing your organisation's readiness for future nature-related obligations, from risk assessment through to the application of innovative eDNA technology to obtain high-integrity data.

Analysis will be provided by Pippa Howard, Chief Nature Strategist and Amy Sellers, Principal Consultant in our Nature Strategy team, with insights on how to get started now with eDNA from Sander Keulen, Global Head of Business Development, and Tom Ludwig, Head of Onshore Industries.

Watch on demand now by completing the form.

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Biodiversity Monitoring

The gold standard for biodiversity monitoring. eDNA provides unprecedented levels of site-level detail, never before achievable through conventional methods.

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Access a suite of biodiversity metrics and indicators, enabling better decision making and high impact reporting.

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eDNA Autosampler

Autonomously collect biodiversity data with the DOT-NM Autosampler

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